Leisure and Culture

Sickla Kanal has a quay with mooring space for 100 or so small boats, and a further 80 spaces are being built in the Henrikdalshamnen harbour. A sports hall, Sjöstadshallen, lies to the east of the oak-covered slope on Sickla Udde. The Nacka nature reserve, Nackareservatet, on the southern side of the Södra Länken traffic link, has paths for walking, jogging and skiing. In the summer months, Sickla sjö offers wonderful swimming opportunities, while in the winter, the slalom slopes of Hammarbybacken are within walking distance.

There is a library in Luma and a culture and theatre centre in Lugnet. Kulturama and Fryshuset offer both educational facilities and cultural activities aimed primarily at children and youngsters. Sofia parish conducts services in the Sjöstad chapel. The old Diesel factory, which now houses theatrical premises, a library, and puts on concerts and cultural workshops, is located nearby in the Sickla area.

All new construction, whether it involves housing and commercial premises or the outdoor environment, is accessible by disabled persons, in accordance with the City’s disability policy.

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